1.17 Application to motion in an ellipse.

Suppose a particle moves in an ellipse whose semi-axes are a and b in such a manner that it obeys the law of areas with respect to the center of the ellipse as origin ; it is required to find the components of acceleration along and perpendicular to the radius vector. The equation of the ellipse may be written in the parametric form

x = ac osφ ,  y = b sin φ

for, if φ is eliminated, the ordinary equation

 2     2
x--+  y--
a2    b2

is found. It follows from (1.30) that

dx-           d-φ    dy-         dφ-
dt =  -a sin φ dt ,  dt = b cos φdt

On substituting (1.30) and (1.31) in the expression for the law of areas,

  dy     dx
x ---- y ---=  c
  dt     dt

it is found that

dφ-   -c-
dt  = ab =  c1

The integral of this, equation is

φ =  c1t + c2

and if φ = 0 when t = 0, then φ = c1t.

On substituting the final expression for φ in (1.30), it is found that

| d 2x
|{ ---2 = -c 21a cosφ =  -c 21x
||(  d-y-     2             2
   dt2 =  -c1b sinφ =  -c 1y

If these values of the derivatives are substituted in (1.20) the components of acceleration along and perpendicular to the radius vector are found to be

{ αr = -c 21r

( αθ = 0

1.17.1 Problems on velocity and acceleration.

1. A particle moves with uniform speed along a helix traced on a circular cylinder whose radius is R ; find the components of velocity and acceleration parallel to the x, y and z axes. Answer :

x =  R cosω ,  y =  R sinω ,  z =  hω

{ vx = -Rc  sin(ct),     vy   = +Rc  co s(ct)     vz = hc
            2                       2
( αz = -Rc   co s(ct),    αy  =  -Rc   sin (ct)     αz = 0

2. A particle moves in the ellipse whose parameter and eccentricity are p and e with uniform angular speed with respect to one of the foci as origin ; find the components of velocity and acceleration along and perpendicular to the radius vector and parallel to the x and y axes in terms of the radius vector and the time. Answer :

(        ec
|||  vr =  --r2sin(ct),  vθ = rc
|||        p
||||                     -ec 2
|||  vx = -cr  sin(ct) + 2p r sin(2ct)
|||                    ec
||||  vy = cr cos(ct)+  --r2sin2(2ct)
|||                    p
||{        ec2  2          2e2c2 3   2        2
   αr =  ---r cos(ct)+  ---2-r sin (ct) - c r
||        p               p
|||        2ec2-2
||||  αθ =   p  r sin(ct)
|||                        2         2               2 2
|||          2            ec-- 2   3ec--2   2       2e-c- 2   2
||||  αx = -c  rco s(ct)+  p  r -   p  r sin (ct)+   p2  r sin (ct)co s(ct)
|||                         2                2 2
|||  α  = -c 2rsin(ct) + 3ec-r2 sin (2ct)+  2e-c-r3sin3(ct)
(   y                   2p                p2

3. A particle moves in an ellipse in such a manner that it obeys the law of areas with respect to one of the foci as an origin ; it is required to find the components of velocity and acceleratio i along and perpendicular to the radius vector and parallel to the axes in terms of the coordinates. Answer :

|||  vr = eA-sin θ  vθ =  2A-
|||        p               r
||||       eA          A sin θ        eA          A cos θ
||{ vx =  ---sin 2θ - -------  vy =  ---sin2 θ + -------
        2p             r            p             r
||         A 2 1
|||  αr = - -p-r2   αθ = 0
||||           A-2cos-θ          A-2sinθ-
( αx ==   -  p  r2    αy =  -  p  r2

4. The accelerations along the x and y axes are the derivatives of the velocities along these axes ; why are not the accelerations along and perpendicular to the radius vector given by the derivatives of the velocities in these respective directions ? Find the accelerations along axes rotating with the angular velocity unity in terms of the accelerations with respect to fixed axes.